Thursday, August 20, 2009

If you don't leave right now I'm going to scream for the police. " .

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We go out from here turn left go as far as the field and past the two stones to the path. You can tell this path straight away there's so many boulders you can break your leg. . . . Yes eat them up Dummy they're fine. . . . By this path then we'll get to the mushroom village I've told you about that already I think it's empty all grown over with mushrooms not like these ones here for example nasty ones we won't eat them you can get sick or die that way. So we won't even stop in that village we'll press on right away and after a time we'll get to Funny Village they make pots out of earth there what next? That happened with them after the blue grass went through. Nothing happened no sickness even they just started making their pots out of earth. . . . We won't stop there either nothing to stop there for.
advise advise source sept advise source source copy

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